Aldine Westfield Paving and Drainage

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PROJECT NUMBER N-100032-0001

LOCATION Refer to map


BUDGET $165,000,000

TYPE Street

START Fall 2029


DETAILS This project will convert a 2-lane asphalt roadway to a 4-lane boulevard curb and gutter roadway along Aldine Westfield Road. The project also involves the installation of underground stormwater and detention ponds, the reconstruction of bridges to the latest standards, a shared-use path with ADA-compliant wheelchair ramps, updated traffic signals, including pedestrian signals, and landscape and streetscape improvements. Additionally, new and upgraded streetlights will be installed.


General Project Information

What is the purpose of this project?
Multimodal Improvements along Aldine Westfield.

How long is the project going to take?
(1460 calendar days). Work is scheduled to begin in
Fall 2029 and is anticipated to be completed in Fall 2033. The project schedule depends upon weather conditions.

Have More Questions? Click here for more answers.

PROJECT NUMBER N-100032-0001

LOCATION Refer to map


BUDGET $165,000,000

TYPE Street

START Fall 2029


DETAILS This project will convert a 2-lane asphalt roadway to a 4-lane boulevard curb and gutter roadway along Aldine Westfield Road. The project also involves the installation of underground stormwater and detention ponds, the reconstruction of bridges to the latest standards, a shared-use path with ADA-compliant wheelchair ramps, updated traffic signals, including pedestrian signals, and landscape and streetscape improvements. Additionally, new and upgraded streetlights will be installed.


General Project Information

What is the purpose of this project?
Multimodal Improvements along Aldine Westfield.

How long is the project going to take?
(1460 calendar days). Work is scheduled to begin in
Fall 2029 and is anticipated to be completed in Fall 2033. The project schedule depends upon weather conditions.

Have More Questions? Click here for more answers.

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Page last updated: 06 May 2024, 04:29 PM