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Although we've been planning improvements in the Westridge and Braes Terrace Area for a while, only the design and construction for the first phase was funded in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The CIP covers infrastructure needs in Houston over five years. The CIP projects are prioritized based on funding and needs and gets updated and approved by Council yearly.

To make sure we use funds efficiently, we're proposing an implementation plan that aligns with the CIP's revenue and current approval. The phases for street improvements are scheduled for later years. However, waiting for funds for these phases might delay the first phase (Drainage Improvements). So, we're recommending moving ahead with the approved design for Phase 1 to avoid delays. This plan aims to deliver these projects as quickly as possible while considering the money we expect to have for the next five years.

In addition to what we've discussed earlier, getting approval for the designs of Phases 2 and 3 takes two to three years to develop. Once the design is complete, contractors will need to be selected to get the work started. However, for Phase 1, construction will begin in early 2024.

The plan we're recommending does consider the money we expect to have for the next five years, so moving forward with construction for Phase 1 is the quickest way to get this entire project done.

It's important to note that a previous prioritization method model, which focused on 'worst first,' hasn't been used since 2016. Some challenges we've faced in finding good drainage solutions, like in the Westridge neighborhood, were due to this approach. However, our department is committed to sticking to the budget outlined in the five-year plan while implementing this proposed plan.

The main fix for the neighborhood's drainage issues is in Phase 1, set for construction in early 2024. This project includes improvements to the existing main storm line including adding some needed inlets to upgrade the neighborhood's drainage system.

When we design Phases 2 and 3, our commitment is to assess the paving slopes and other drainage infrastructure needed to manage regular rain events better. Even though the funding for water line upgrades comes from a different source and wasn't part of the initial plan, we'll collaborate with Houston Water. When we're already working on the road, we'll take the opportunity to replace old utility lines.

At the September 27th, 2023, meeting, only Phase 1 was presented, so individual requests through the Mayor's Office for ADA concerns were the way to make specific improvements with our limited budget across the city. But now, Phases 2 and 3 are programmed and we're actively working on them. So, the community doesn't need to submit more applications.

As we design Phases 2 and 3, we'll share the previously submitted applications from the neighborhood with our design consultants. This extra information may help address your concerns. However, our approach aims to create a completely new and well-planned pedestrian network on all streets, meeting the latest ADA requirements.

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